New Ways of Looking at Career Advancement
New Ways of Looking at Career Advancement
Do You Have Old or New Views of Career Success?

Automation, globalization, demographics, and insights gained from consciousness research, are changing the way we think about work and adapt to our continuously changing work world!
Career development
Old: Career growth means moving up the corporate ladder and measuring up against the approved professional timetable.You are what you do.
New: This is a lifelong process of development to maintain harmony between your growing personality and career. Who you are is important.
Old: It’s measured by external rewards like status, respectability, money, and security.
New: It’s defined personally. Rewards are judged by personal and job satisfaction. Status means offering creative ideas.
Old: It’s resignation, sometimes mandatory, from a long term employer at about 65. This age was set by German Chancellor Otto von Bismark in 1881.
New: Age is irrelevant. Adults reassess goals during life career transitions at about age-30 and every decade after that, and continue involvement in activities that give meaning and direction until their nineties and beyond.
Managing layoffs
Old: Employees wait for the notice. Job search focuses on responding to ads and accepting a secure job in the same occupation.
New: Employees attend to company happenings. They prepare by upgrading skills and creating their own jobs.
Management style
Old: Organizations have centralized hierarchichal “command and-and-control” structures. Employees are told what to do, don’t question status quo.
New: Organizations employ decentralized “coordinate and cultivate” management with loose structures. Employees participate in decisions, think critically.
Succeeding in uncertain times
Take responsibility for your career
-  Know yourself. In particular, clarify your purpose. This is your compass which guides you through chaos. Identify personal and transferable skills. Skills and knowledge used in one occupation can be transferred to others. These adaptive skills include openness to ideas, persistence, creativity, enthusiasm, problem solving, patience, and tolerance.
- Strengthen Quester qualities such as optimism, growth, and resilience. Learn how to learn. Continuously update technical and professional skills.
- Explore compatible options.  Investigate other jobs in your organization. Explore another field or self employment. Consider time out. Study, travel, volunteer. Consider the trades.
- Network. Let others know what you can offer and want. Create opportunities to meet people. Think of yourself as a product to be sold.  Demonstrate how you can make or save money, manage people, improve products, expand markets.
- Strengthen mind power. Skills for tomorrow, called "meta skills," can’t be easily automated. They include critical thinking, intuition, research, judgment, ethical leadership, mental training, interpersonal, and Quester traits.
- Expand horizons. Go beyond borders. Prepare for and welcome the unexpected.  Innovate, adapt, explore, seize opportunities!
Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life, by Dr. Carole Kanchier, shows how to succeed: